ceph-kvstore-tool – ceph kvstore manipulation tool


ceph-kvstore-tool <leveldb|rocksdb|bluestore-kv> <store path> command [args…]


ceph-kvstore-tool is a kvstore manipulation tool. It allows users to manipule leveldb/rocksdb’s data (like OSD’s omap) offline.


ceph-kvstore-tool utility uses many commands for debugging purpose which are as follows:

list [prefix]

Print key of all KV pairs stored with the URL encoded prefix.

list-crc [prefix]

Print CRC of all KV pairs stored with the URL encoded prefix.

exists <prefix> [key]

Check if there is any KV pair stored with the URL encoded prefix. If key is also specified, check for the key with the prefix instead.

get <prefix> <key> [out <file>]

Get the value of the KV pair stored with the URL encoded prefix and key. If file is also specified, write the value to the file.

crc <prefix> <key>

Get the CRC of the KV pair stored with the URL encoded prefix and key.

get-size [<prefix> <key>]

Get estimated store size or size of value specified by prefix and key.

set <prefix> <key> [ver <N>|in <file>]

Set the value of the KV pair stored with the URL encoded prefix and key. The value could be version_t or text.

rm <prefix> <key>

Remove the KV pair stored with the URL encoded prefix and key.

rm-prefix <prefix>

Remove all KV pairs stored with the URL encoded prefix.

store-copy <path> [num-keys-per-tx]

Copy all KV pairs to another directory specified by path. [num-keys-per-tx] is the number of KV pairs copied for a transaction.

store-crc <path>

Store CRC of all KV pairs to a file specified by path.


Subcommand compact is used to compact all data of kvstore. It will open the database, and trigger a database’s compaction. After compaction, some disk space may be released.

compact-prefix <prefix>

Compact all entries specified by the URL encoded prefix.

compact-range <prefix> <start> <end>

Compact some entries specified by the URL encoded prefix and range.


ceph-kvstore-tool is part of Ceph, a massively scalable, open-source, distributed storage system. Please refer to the Ceph documentation at http://ceph.com/docs for more information.

See also
